Collect the Best of Belarus with the 2020 Mi. Complete Year Set

If you are a philatelist or simply enjoy collecting stamps, the Belarus 2020 Mi. Complete Year Set is a must-have addition to your collection . This set includes all of the stamps issued by Belarus in 2020, providing a comprehensive overview of the country's postal history for the year. The set includes a total of 67 stamps, ranging from commemorative stamps featuring famous Belarusians and historical events, to definitive stamps showcasing the country's flora and fauna. Each stamp is beautifully designed and expertly crafted, making them a true work of art. One of the standout features of the Belarus 2020 Mi. Complete Year Set is the variety of themes represented. Whether you are interested in sports, culture, history, or nature, there is something for everyone in this set. Some of the most notable stamps include the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian Olympic Committee, the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II, and the European Bison stamp from the "Fauna of Belar...