Provide you with the best auxiliary material, deduce new fad mien and conduct tide of dress, which is the aim of our struggle.
the general term for the artificial coverings used for the human body. In the broad sense, clothing also includes headgear, footwear, gloves(, and similar articles. Ornamentation plays a supplementary role in clothing.
Along with housing, clothing arose as one of the principal means of protection against the elements. Some bourgeois scholars accept this utilitarian theory of the origin of clothing, but many maintain an idealistic point of view and assert that the wearing of clothing originated primarily as a result of modesty, an aesthetic awakening (clothing as an extension of ornamentation), or religious and magical beliefs.
Clothing( is one of the most ancient inventions of man. Late Paleolithic remains include stone scrapers and bone needles used for treating and sewing animal skins. Other materials used for clothing in the late Paleolithic included leaves, grass, and bark (for example, the peoples of Oceania used tapa). Hunters and fishermen used fish skins, the intestines of Steller’s sea lions and other sea animals, and bird skins. In the Neolithic, after learning the arts of spinning and weaving, people made clothing from the fibers of wild plants. The transition during the Neolithic to stock raising and land cultivation led to the use of the wool of domestic animals and cloth made from the fibers of such cultivated plants as flax, hemp, and cotton.
The prototypes of sewn clothing were the primitive cloak (animal skin) and the loincloth. From the cloak evolved such slip-on articles of clothing as the toga, the tunic, the poncho, the burka, and the shirt. Various types of waisted clothing, such as the apron, the skirt(, and trousers, derived from the loincloth(
The most simple form of ancient footwear( consisted of sandals or just a piece of animal skin that was wrapped around the feet. The latter is considered to be the ancestor of the leather morshni (porshni) of the Slavs, the chuviaki of the peoples of the Caucasus, and the moccasins of the American Indians. Bark (in Eastern Europe) and wood (among certain peoples of Western Europe) were also used for footwear.
Since ancient times, headgear served as protection and as an emblem indicating social status (for example, the headgear of chieftains or of priests of heathen religious cults). It has also reflected religious and magical beliefs (for example, headgear depicting an animal’s head).